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Become a spellcaster, level up your perks to access more powerful spells, and gain witchy new traits instantly with these TS4 Realm of Magic cheats!
Guide by Rebecca Jones Guides Writer
Published on
The Sims 4 Realm of Magic introduces a brand-new life state known as "Spellcasters" to The Sims series. Human in appearance but able to harness the power of four different magical disciplines, spellcasters encompass a number of previously discrete Sim occult types including witches/wizards, fairies, and genies.
Spellcasters enjoy many perks as they advance through their unique and branching perk tree. However, despite their impressive powers, they can be quite a vulnerable bunch too, prone to falling prey to some nasty curses (or even potentially dying!) if their magic goes haywire.
Whether you're looking to cheat your way to the top of your Sim's chosen magical school or free them from the adverse effects of a spell misfiring, these The Sims 4 Realm of Magic cheats are here to help you out!
On this page:
- How to become a spellcaster using cheats in The Sims 4
- The Sims 4 Realm of Magic rank cheats
- The Sims 4 Realm of Magic perk cheats
- The Sims 4 Realm of Magic spell cheats
- The Sims 4 Realm of Magic curse cheats
- The Sims 4 Realm of Magic trait cheats

How to become a spellcaster using cheats in The Sims 4
To use most of the cheats on this page – and in The Sims 4 in general – you'll need to begin by enabling cheats in the command console.
Open the command console by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete on PC/Mac, or by pressing all four shoulder buttons at once on PlayStation/Xbox.
Once the console is open, type in the following cheat to get things started:
testingcheats true
You can reverse the process, replacing "true" with "false", whenever you want to turn cheats back off again. However, players on console should be aware that using cheats permanently disables achievements/trophies for that save, even if you turn testingcheats back off when you're done.
Next, in order to become a spellcaster using cheats, you'll need to have The Sims 4 Realm of Magic game pack installed. You can then enter the following cheat into the command console to instantly turn the active Sim into a spellcaster:
traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult
Or, if you're tired of slinging spells and want to go back to life as a regular human Sim, you can use traits.remove_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult instead.
The Sims 4 Realm of Magic rank cheats
A Spellcaster Sim's rank determines which level of perks they can access, which in turn reflects how much control they have over their magic. In order to improve their rank, Spellcasters must gain enough XP to achieve the next level through performing a variety of magical interactions… or you could just use the following cheat:
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP [X]
Replace [X] with the amount of Spellcaster XP you want to set your Sim to. For reference, new ranks are attained at the following points:
- Apprentice: 0XP (default starting rank)
- Neophyte: 50XP
- Acolyte: 350XP
- Adept: 850XP
- Master: 1550XP
- Virtuoso: 2350XP
- Maximum XP: 2850XP
Having attained the highest level of Virtuoso, Spellcasters can continue to earn XP up to the cap in order to unlock the full perk tree.
The Sims 4 Realm of Magic perk cheats
Throughout their process of learning to master their magic, Spellcaster Sims will regularly be rewarded with perk points. These can be distributed across the Spellcaster's unique perk tree to unlock various helpful powers. These perks don't need to be obtained in any particular order, but do require a Spellcaster to have reached a certain rank in order to unlock them… the legitimate way, at least.
As an alternative to the above rank cheats, you can unlock specific Spellcaster Perks individually using the following cheats. This is useful, for example, if you don't want to cheat your Sim up to Adept rank right away, but would just like access to one of the Level 4 perks before your Sim has earned that unlock.
Note that, for unknown reasons, you'll need a Sim's unique ID number in order to work with this particular set of cheats. This number can be obtained by entering sims.get_sim_id_by_name [First Name] [Last Name] into the cheat console.
Perk | Description / Notes | Branch | Apply with… |
Knowledge Is Magic | Reading and researching are faster and provide Spellcaster XP | Prowess - Level 1 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_1_KnowledgeIsMagic true 49153 [SimID#] |
Mote Hound | Sim can always see and collect Magical Motes | Prowess - Level 2 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_2_MoteHound true 49153 [SimID#] |
Charge Control | Spellcaster Charge increases are reduced | Prowess - Level 3 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_3_ChargeControl true 49153 [SimID#] |
Hexproof | Sim is immune to all Curses | Prowess - Level 4 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_4_Hexproof true 49153 [SimID#] |
Magical Resonance | Spells and potions are more powerful when the Sim is in The Magic Realm | Prowess - Level 5 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_5_MagicalResonance true 49153 [SimID#] |
Blender Arm | Sim can craft potions more quickly | Alchemy - Level 1 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_1_BlenderArm true 49153 [SimID#] |
Frugal Combination | Chance to return some crafting ingredients when creating potions | Alchemy - Level 2 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_2_FrugalCombinations true 49153 [SimID#] |
A Little Extra Chemistry | The Sim's potions give additional positive moodlets, including "tasty" | Alchemy - Level 3 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_3_ExtraChemistry true 49153 [SimID#] |
Mix Master | Creates additional servings when crafting potions | Alchemy - Level 4 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_4_MixMaster true 49153 [SimID#] |
Potent Potables | All potion effects last longer | Alchemy - Level 5 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_5_PotentPotables true 49153 [SimID#] |
Discharge | Sim can empty their Spellcaster Charge at will | Spellcasting - Level 1 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_1_Discharge true 49153 [SimID#] |
Power Shunt | Charge gain after casting spell is reduced | Spellcasting - Level 2 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_2_PowerShunt true 49153 [SimID#] |
Spectral Reach | Spell ranges are increased | Spellcasting - Level 3 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_3_SpectralReach true 49153 [SimID#] |
Master Caster | Failures and backfires when spellcasting are far less likely | Spellcasting - Level 4 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_4_MasterCaster true 49153 [SimID#] |
Master Duelist | Sim is far more likely to win magical duels, and gains more rewards | Spellcasting - Level 5 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_5_MasterDuelist true 49153 [SimID#] |
Practiced Practicality | Practical Magic always succeeds in the "normal" Charge range, and failure/backfires are less likely | Misc. (Column 1) - Level 3 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3C_PracticedPracticality true 49153 [SimID#] |
Incredible Forager | Sim gains more items when harvesting in The Magic Realm | Misc. (Column 2) - Level 1 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_1A_IncredibleForager true 49153 [SimID#] |
Insightful Eye | Reading, research, and experiments are all faster | Misc. (Column 2) - Level 2 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_2A_InsightfulEye true 49153 [SimID#] |
Mischief Master | Mischief Magic always succeeds in the "normal" Charge range, and failure/backfires are less likely | Misc. (Column 2) - Level 3 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3A_MischiefMaster true 49153 [SimID#] |
Natural Mentor | Improved relationship and skill gains when working with other Spellcasters | Misc. (Column 2) - Level 4 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_4A_NaturalMentor true 49153 [SimID#] |
Experimenter | Sim gains Spellcaster XP faster and fails less often when experimenting | Misc. (Column 3) - Level 1 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_1B_Experimenter true 49153 [SimID#] |
Spellcaster Socialite | Sim has unique interactions with other Spellcasters that grant XP | Misc. (Column 3) - Level 2 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_2B_WitchSocialite true 49153 [SimID#] |
Tame the Untameable | Untamed Magic always succeeds in the "normal" Charge range, and failure/backfires are less likely | Misc. (Column 3) - Level 3 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3B_TameTheUntameable true 49153 [SimID#] |
Magical Discounts | Sim receives 50% off all vendor purchases in The Magic Realm | Misc. (Column 3) - Level 4 | bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_4B_MagicalDiscounts true 49153 [SimID#] |

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic spell cheats
Not to be confused with perks – which are more general bonus attributes, albeit with a magical theme – spells are the actual magical acts that Spellcaster Sims get to use to make their lives easier, or make the lives of others harder.
Unlocking spells through gameplay is somewhat random, but if you want to use a particular one straight away, you can uncover them in your active Sim's spellbook instantly using the following cheats:
Spell Name | Description / Notes | Spell Type | Apply with… |
Despairio | Target Sim becomes sad | Mischief Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Mischief_1_Sadness |
Deliriate | Allows the spellcaster to read the target Sim's thoughts | Mischief Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Mischief_1_Confuse |
Furio | Pair of target Sims are forced to fight | Mischief Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Mischief_2_Fight |
Infatuate | Pair of target Sims are forced to fall in love | Mischief Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Mischief_2_Love |
Burgliate | Steals target object | Mischief Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Mischief_3_Steal |
Morphiate | Turns target Sim into a statue | Mischief Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Mischief_4_Transform |
Strangeify | Target Sim becomes repulsive to everybody | Mischief Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Mischief_5_ChangeAppearance |
Repairio | Fix target broken object | Practical Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Practical_1_Repair |
Scruberoo | Clean target dirty object | Practical Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Practical_1_Clean |
Delicioso | Conjures an excellent meal | Practical Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Practical_2_Food |
Floralorial | Target plant becomes healthy | Practical Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Practical_2_Garden |
Copypasto | Creates a duplicate of the target object | Practical Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Practical_3_Duplicate |
Transportalate | Sim teleports to target location | Practical Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Practical_3_Teleport |
Herbio | Spawns a healthy plant | Practical Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Practical_4_GrowPlant |
Homewardial | Teleports the Sim to The Magic Realm | Practical Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Practical_4_Transport |
Rite of Ascension | Target Sim becomes a spellcaster | Practical Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Practical_5_ConvertToWitch |
Inferniate | Target object or Sim is set on fire | Untamed Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Untamed_1_Fire |
Zipzap | Target object or Sim is hit with a bolt of electricity | Untamed Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Untamed_2_Lightning |
Necrocall | Summons the ghost of a dead Sim | Untamed Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Untamed_2_SummonGhost |
Chillio | Target object or Sim is frozen | Untamed Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Untamed_3_Freeze |
Minionize | Target Sim becomes mind-controlled by the spellcaster | Untamed Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Untamed_3_MindControl |
Dedeathify | Resurrects a deceased Sim | Untamed Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Untamed_4_Resurrect |
Decursify | Removes a curse from the target Sim (including the spellcaster) | Untamed Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Untamed_4_RemoveCurse |
Duplicato | Creates an exact clone of the spellcaster | Untamed Magic | spells.unlock_spell spells_Untamed_5_CloneSelf |
The Sims 4 Realm of Magic curse cheats
In The Sims 4, Spellcasters whose attempts at magical pursuits fail or backfire too often are prone to developing curses. These negative effects can be cured via gameplay, but honestly that can be pretty annoying. Luckily, you can just cheat to remove a curse if you prefer – or add one if you want to embrace the chaos, I'm not judging:
Curse | Description / Notes | Apply with… | Remove with… |
Awkward Embraces | Sim is compelled to hug other Sims regardless of relationship level | traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_TouchyFeely | traits.remove_trait trait_Curses_TouchyFeely |
Infectious Laughter | Sim is unable to stop laughing | traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_InfectiousLaughter | traits.remove_trait trait_Curses_InfectiousLaughter |
Night Wraith | Sim is being haunted by a Night Wraith | traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_NightStalker | traits.remove_trait trait_Curses_NightStalker |
Repulsiveness | Sim's appearance causes disgust in others | traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_Repulsiveness | traits.remove_trait trait_Curses_Repulsiveness |
Scrambled Spells | Sim's spellcasting becomes wildly unpredictable | traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_WildMagic | traits.remove_trait trait_Curses_WildMagic |
Uncleansable Stench | Sim emits a horrible smell | traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_SweatyStench | traits.remove_trait trait_Curses_SweatyStench |
Unwarranted Hostility | Other Sims are compulsively mean to this Sim | traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_PunchableFace | traits.remove_trait trait_Curses_PunchableFace |

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic trait cheats
Finally, we come to what can only be described as the regular trait cheats included in The Sims 4 Realm of Magic. In addition to all of the above, RoM does introduce a more regular series of new traits: two new aspiration rewards, four new gameplay feat rewards, and even a new death type:
Trait | Description / Notes | Type | Apply with… | Remove with… |
Master Mixer | Sim benefits from having completed the Purveyor of Potions aspiration | Reward Trait - Aspiration | traits.equip_trait Trait_Nature_MasterMixer | traits.remove_trait Trait_Nature_MasterMixer |
Slinger of Spells | Sim benefits from having completed the Spellcraft and Sorcery aspiration | Reward Trait - Aspiration | traits.equip_trait Trait_Knowledge_SlingerofSpells | traits.remove_trait Trait_Knowledge_SlingerofSpells |
Weak Bloodline | Sim has at least one parent who is a spellcaster | Reward Trait - Gameplay Feat | traits.equip_trait Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineWeak | traits.remove_trait Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineWeak |
Strong Bloodline | Sim has at least one parent who is a spellcaster with the Weak Bloodline trait | Reward Trait - Gameplay Feat | traits.equip_trait Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineStrong | traits.remove_trait Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineStrong |
Ancient Bloodline | Sim has at least one parent who is a spellcaster with the Strong Bloodline and/or Ancient Bloodline traits | Reward Trait - Gameplay Feat | traits.equip_trait Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient | traits.remove_trait Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient |
Immortal | Sim has consumed a potion of immortality and cannot die from old age | Reward Trait - Gameplay Feat | traits.equip_trait trait_Cauldron_Potion_Immortality | traits.remove_trait trait_Cauldron_Potion_Immortality |
Death by Spellcaster Overload | Sim is a ghost who died from casting a spell while their magical charge was overloaded | Cause of Death / Ghost Trait | traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_WitchOverload | traits.remove_trait trait_Ghost_WitchOverload |
There are also six hidden traits that don't show up in the Simology panel and thus don't have proper names, but which convey certain special statuses (most associated with NPCs, with just one exception) to your Sim:
Effect | Apply with… | Remove with… |
Sim gains the Sage of Mischief Magic special NPC status | traits.equip_trait trait_MagicSage_Mischief | traits.remove_trait trait_MagicSage_Mischief |
Sim gains the Sage of Practical Magic special NPC status | traits.equip_trait trait_MagicSage_Practical | traits.remove_trait trait_MagicSage_Practical |
Sim gains the Sage of Untamed Magic special NPC status | traits.equip_trait trait_MagicSage_Untamed | traits.remove_trait trait_MagicSage_Untamed |
Sim remains alive but gains the appearance of a ghost, a consequence of failing to create and consume an Immortality potion | traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Cauldron_Potion_Immortality_Failure | traits.remove_trait trait_Ghost_Cauldron_Potion_Immortality_Failure |
Sim remains alive but gains the appearance of a ghost, technically as a special vendor NPC in The Magic Realm | traits.equip_trait trait_Magic_Marketstall_SpectralLook | traits.remove_trait trait_Magic_Marketstall_SpectralLook |
Sim gains the appearance of a ghost and the Night Stalker special NPC status | traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Curses_NightStalker_Stalker | traits.remove_trait trait_Ghost_Curses_NightStalker_Stalker |
More interested in woohoo than woowoo when it comes to your life sims? Then you should definitely check out our main The Sims 4 cheats page, which focuses on the base game and its updates!